The Mercer Island Band program has been important to so many of our students and families in such different ways. Here are some excerpts from these testimonials:
"He’s been part of a diverse, inclusive, welcoming community, and as he’s continued with the program, he’s had the opportunity to give back, to help build community himself and develop his leadership skills."
"The MISD Band Program changed me for the better. It gave me a space to be myself! I met some of my closest friends through this program. I was able to take on leadership roles and learn valuable life lessons."
"By creating opportunities for all students to grow their confidence as musicians, community members, and leaders, our director constructed an environment in which everyone could succeed and grow both in the classroom and the larger band community."
"Music is so vital to brain and personal development and is a core component of our family. We knew the MI band program was good when we moved to the school district, but it far exceeded every expectation."
To read these and other testimonials, go to: