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We have the most amazing Band community!

Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered, organized, contributed, and helped make our Band program a success this year.  We are so grateful.


Thanks to your incredible support, we are now able to purchase brand new Marching Band Uniforms, fund travel scholarships to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, and pay for music consultants, instrument clubs, instrument specialist, music lessons, artists in residence, professional development, and administrative support.  

Thank you to the following Band Uniform and Band Together Sponsors for your financial support.

$10,000 and Up Sponsor

MIHS Class of 2022 Legacy Gift

$2,500 and Up Sponsors

Gail Cromer & Ryan McBrayer 

Tammy & Scott Heydon

Dina & Doron Holan

Antero Koskinen & Yi Jiao Hong

Claudia Harner-Jay & Jon Jay

The Lesko Family

Aaron Levin

Jennifer & Malcolm McLellan

The Porteous & Hemmingsen Families

Mark & Sandra Schwarz

Ormand & Sue Sherwood

Rachel Dobrow Stone & Scott Stone

Karrie & Don Sutkus

The Alumni Pizza Party!

$500 and Up Sponsors

The Anderson Family

Kirsten & Gregg Aoyama

The Azzano Family

Colleen & Scott Barneson

Marc & Heidi Baxter

Catherine & Eric Borm

The Bove Family

The Brockmeyer / Greenberg Family

Gail & John Carpenter

David D’Souza

The Destouches Family

The deStwolinski Family

Tracey Dubofsky

Jennifer Flood & Ulrik Wallin

The Fu Family

The Geisner Family

Janice & Robert Gerth

Robert Goodwin

Melissa & Eric Harwood

Yang (Sara) & Yong Huang

Islander Middle School PTSA

The Jaecks Family

The Karweit Family

Eunyoung Kim & John Geer

Heather & Thomas Kurt

Lakeridge Elementary PTA

Clarice & Mike Larson

The Lee Family

Sarah & Bernard Mangold

Amy & Jeff Miller

Northwood Elementary PTA

The Pae Family

Sharon & Anthony Perez

The Rajagopal Family

The Reichert Family

The Reitinger Family

The Richardson Family

Lori Cohen & Cody Sanford

The Spencer Family

The Vince Ha / Sandy Sun Family

Kim & Ron Thunen

Diane Barrett Tien

The Varnes Family

The Videriksen Family

The Vivion Family

West Mercer Elementary PTA

Gloria & Ken Wolfe

Justin Chan & Minna Wong

The Wood Family

Meiling & Lawrence Wu

$5,000 and Up Sponsors

Laura & James Jantos

Jennifer & Brian Selby

Helena & Johan Valentin

Tom Yotsuuye

$1,000 and Up Sponsors

Blumenthal Business Consulting

Shelley & Sean Boyle

Martha Brant & Sean McCormack

The Buccino-Monroe Family 

Dean Quigley Lodge #297

Jeff and Liz Evans

Sarah Ford, Realtor

Jane & Jim Fredricksen

Jennifer & David Glick

Julia & Arvid Hokanson

Heather & Kevin Joseph

Leslie & Eric Kinder

Diana & Ed Lein

The Leveque Family 

Ewan Lill & Family

Maggie Tai Tucker & James Gwertzman

Trang Luu & Hang Nguyen

The Mak Family

The Mangino Family

Cat & Cliff Martin

Mercer Island High School PTSA

Mercer Island Schools Foundation

The Miller, Theophilus & Perez Families

Feliz & Allan Montpellier

The Eng-Mullen Family 

The Odell / Sauer Family

Mary Panza


Heather & Mark Ring

The Strong Family

Junaid & Lynda Usman

Thank you so much to the following individuals who donated items for our annual auction.

Kei Morita (Azzano) and Larry Azzano, Jocelyn Barber, Jeffrey Anderson, Karina and John Bickel, Sheri Blumenthal, Eliana Caputo, Debra Brandt, Kim Chou, Soyun Chow, Courney and Christian Cordero, Tracey Dubofsky, Kimberly Fackrell, Alicia and Grant Fisher, Jennifer Flood, Glory Francke, Ken Gaugush, Jennifer and David Glick,  Erin Gurney, Julia King Hately, Julie and Ken Hey, Tammy and Scott Heydon,  Beth Hykes, Claudia Harner-Jay and Jon Jay, Claire Joinson, Jody Lee, Ivy Suzuki-Jaecks, Christine and Scott Leber, Diana Lein, Jessica Abramson Lott, Agnieszka Louden, Deborah Lurie, Sarah and Bernard Mangold, Cat Martin,  Jennifer and Malcolm McLellan, Deborah Neyhart, Mark and Karla Olson, Rachel and Herb Portillo, Grete and Ian Porteous, Anh and Brandon Schmidt, Jennifer and Brian Selby, Mindi Sobel, Ashley Tatum, Kim Thunen, Heidi Thiese, Johan Valentin, Anni Varnes, Tali Wang, and Rouslana Yaroslavsky 

Thank you to all of our Business and Community Sponsors who supported us this year.
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The Mercer Island Schools Band Boosters was formed to actively support, promote, and encourage the Mercer Island Band Program.  The Mercer Island Band Program is a proudly no-cut, non-competitive, all inclusive band program with over 700 students in grades 5-12 participating. MISBB provides support to the program and ensures each and every student may participate in band and its activities. Through fundraising events, donors, and sponsors, we enable scholarships, clinics, one-on-one musical support, leadership opportunities, training, and unique musical opportunities for our band program and so much more.  Questions? Contact us.

Support Our Sponsors
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MISBB is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, tax ID number 27-4163270.

PO Box 1471, Mercer Island, WA  98040

© 2019-2024 Mercer Island Schools Band Boosters

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